SME Clusters

A cluster is defined as the sectoral and geographical concentration of enterprises and / or individual producers that produce a similar range of goods and services and face similar threats and opportunities. The cluster includes enterprises (MSMEs, but also larger firms) as well as supporting institutions from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society.

Cluster = Firms (Product + Place) + Supporting Institute.

In recent years, clusters have gained increasing importance in the debate over economic development. All over the world, governments consider clusters to be potential drivers of entrepreneurship development and innovation.


The PMAG is a UNDP-supported packaging materials cluster aimed at the packaging industry and its individual members.
To help increase competitiveness and expand cooperation at different stages of the value chain.

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ICT Cluster

Georgian ICT Cluster is a collaborative platform for ICT industry stakeholders that supports the establishment of business linkages locally and internationally in order to increase the competitiveness of the Georgian ICT industry and ultimately contribute to the economic development of the country.

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SME Booster & Innovations Cluster

Linking business with science and education, supporting the introduction and use of innovative knowledge and new technologies in business, but also supporting the international growth of members and partner organizations through a network of actors by supporting exchange of information, transfer of knowledge and innovative solutions, stimulating innovation and internationalization.

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Advanced Materials Cluster MAV

The Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia (Clúster MAV) is a non-profit, technology-based association. Its strategy targets innovation and its main purpose is to make businesses and organisations in the advanced materials sector value chain more competitive.

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