
Hack QA - Hackaton and Conference - by Digital Camp Georgia


We invite automation engineers, manual testers, developers, managers and anyone who is interested in QA direction! You have the opportunity to attend and participate in the hackathon and conference. Where experienced engineers and managers will talk about various interesting topics in the field of QA, share their experiences and approaches.

We invite automation engineers, manual testers, developers, managers and anyone who is interested in QA direction! You have the opportunity to attend and participate in the hackathon and conference. Where experienced engineers and managers will talk about various interesting topics in the field of QA, share their experiences and approaches.
Digital Camp Georgia believes that Georgians can create simple, high-quality and global projects, and we want to offer another event to those interested in this field, where they will be able to increase connections, work on new ideas and, most importantly, share experiences.
• The event will be held for 3 days.
• Speakers are presentations.
• You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.

Hackathon Rules:
• An online QA hackathon will be held on December 10, 11 and 12.
• Winning projects within the hackathon will be revealed by the participants by voting.
• Anyone can participate, with any idea related to QA in whole or in part.
• Pre-registration is required.
• The group should consist of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5 people.
• The hackathon will start on December 10 at 10:00 and end on December 12 at 18:00.
• The topic of the hackathon is free but the main idea should not be mistaken, ie it should fully or partially cover the QA processes.
You can use the following topics as hints:
• Test case management
• Automatic testing (UI)
• API Testing
• Improve the manual testing process
• and any other
Register at the link: https://forms.gle/Hs38wXqaeWNSxbqF6

If you have any questions, write to the Event or Digital Camp Georgia group.

Register On The Event

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