About The Organization

About the organization

The SME Development Association (SMEDA) is a membership-based, independent non-profit organization that aims to nurture and promote the growth and development of SMEs.

SMEDA is the first digital association in Georgia.


SMEDA's mission is to promote the sustainability, growth and development of SME businesses through advocacy, innovative approaches tailored to their needs, consulting and training;

In collaboration with businesses, the public sector, local and international donors, the non-governmental sector, financial institutions and other stakeholders, SMEDA ensures that small and medium-sized businesses play an important role in the country's economy.

SMEDA represents the interests of small and medium-sized businesses with all stakeholders, which may directly or indirectly affect the current state or future development of this sector.



Establish a strong, sustainable and innovation-oriented small and medium-sized business sector, where each entrepreneur will have multifaceted development opportunities;

Develop a sustainable business association model that ensures the creation of real, competitive and sustainable values ​​for both its members and specific sectors and clusters.


Why Digital Association?

  • Coverage throughout Georgia - the digital format allows us to more quickly and effectively reach out to the regions farthest from the capital and to small and medium-sized enterprises in those regions.
  • Surveys - Digital channels enable us to receive information on specific topics electronically and to advocate effectively and efficiently.
  • Reducing the impact of the pandemic on the activities of the association - digitally easier and safer communication in terms of COVID 19 related regulations.
  • Ability to effectively receive information from the members of the association, which will allow us to make the association and the benefits / services offered by it as much as possible tailored to their needs
  • Improving the skills of using digital channels in SME business - SME digitization is one of the priorities of SMEDA, and a special place in the digitalization strategy is occupied by the development of appropriate skills.
  • More active and effective networking and experience sharing
  • Better business model - more opportunity to maintain the sustainability of the association, which in turn means the effectiveness of the association in the medium and long term.

* In addition to digital channels, the activities of the Association will also be carried out in physical form


Where does SMEDA apply?

SMEDA is spread all over Georgia!

Particular attention is paid to the regions, because in our view SME businesses in the regions need special attention and support.

The concept of digital communication of the Association allows us to operate actively in the regions.

What are the conditions for joining SMEDA?

Joining SMEDA is free for any member for the first 6 months.

6 months is the time during which we have to prove to the new member that he has really hit the business association that is of real benefit to him.

After 6 months, each member individually decides who wants to use the membership package or makes a decision to leave the association.

You will get information about membership packages on our official website www.sme.org.ge.

Who we are

The SMEDA team is staffed by professionals with many years of practical experience in the private or public sector, as well as rich academic education, who have extensive experience working with small and medium-sized businesses and therefore understand the needs, problems and ways to solve these problems.

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USAID საქართველოში მუშაობს 1992 წლიდან. ამ დღიდან ამერიკელმა ხალხმა USAID-ის საშუალებით 1,8 მილიარდი დოლარის დახმარება გაუწია საქართველოს. წარმატებული პარტნიორობის პირობებში აშშ-ს მთავრობა ყოველწლიურად დაახლოებით 50 მილიონ დოლარს გამოყოფს 55 სხვადასხვა პროგრამისთვის. ეს პროგრამები მხარს უჭერს საქართველოს დემოკრატიულ, თავისუფალ საბაზრო ეკონომიკაზე და დასავლეთზე ორიენტირებულ განვითარებას.

International Visegrad Fund

ვიშეგრადის საერთაშორისო ფონდი არის საერთაშორისო დონორი ორგანიზაცია, რომელიც ხელს უწყობს ვიშეგრადის ჯგუფის ქვეყნებს შორის მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის განვითარებას - ეს ქვეყნებია: ჩეხეთი, უნგრეთი, პოლონეთი და სლოვაკეთი.

German Sparkassenstiftung Georgia

შემნახველი ბანკების ფონდი (შპარკასე) საერთაშორისო თანამშრომლობისთვის არის გერმანული შემნახველი ბანკების ფინანსური ჯგუფის წევრი ორგანიზაცია, რომელიც ეკონომიკური განვითარების საკითხებზე მუშაობს.

PMI Georgia Chapter

PMI Tbilisi, Georgia's goal is to establish the main project management communication platform, which will help establish international project management standards in Georgia, increase awareness and recognition of the profession, and present values to practicing project managers and organizations.

Fintech Association of Georgia

The goal of Georgian Fintech Association is to establish a communication platform and promote the development of Fintech in Georgia.
Under the Memorandum, SMEDA and the Fintech Association of Georgia will plan and implement various activities focused on the development and promotion of financial technology companies in the financial technology sector in general.

Hualing Plaza

Hualing Plaza Tbilisi Sea Plaza is the largest in the Caucasus region, 110,000 sq.m. The area has a multi-purpose shopping center, which also includes, 16 well-equipped pavilions. Hualing Group, as part of the development of Molly's new concept, is offering exclusive deals on retail space to SMEDA partner companies. It means a combination of shopping objects and services in one space, which will set a precedent for a qualitatively new, unique and favorable shopping experience for the customer.


გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამა ხელს უწყობს მდგრადი განვითარების მიღწევას ყველასთვის და არავის დატოვებს. UNDP-მა დაამყარა თავისი ყოფნა საქართველოში 1993 წელს, რათა მხარი დაუჭიროს ქვეყანას ოთხ ძირითად სფეროში: (1) დემოკრატიული მმართველობა, (2) ეკონომიკური განვითარება, (3) გარემო და ენერგეტიკა და (4) კრიზისის პრევენცია და აღდგენა.


The Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank established on 19 December 1966, which is headquartered in the Ortigas Center located in the city of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. The company also maintains 31 field offices around the world to promote social and economic development in Asia.


FIABCI, being the biggest network of real estate professionals, represents a strong power for FIABCI Georgia chapter. FIABCI provides access and opportunities for real estate professionals interested in gaining knowledge, sharing information and conducting international business with each other. Being part of this leading global real estate association, means access to the unique network of the sector key players worldwide. 

Property Georgia

Property Georgia is the N1 Real Estate Guide in Georgia.

Propertygeorgia.ge was created for people and companies who are interested in real estate to get detailed and precise information in one space about the latest construction and development projects. Also to get acquainted with market research and innovations, expert forecasts and to seek a desired company or project.

National Bank Of Georgia

The National Bank of Georgia is the Central Bank of Georgia and its status is defined by the Constitution of the country. The main goal of the National Bank is to ensure price stability.

The first central bank in Georgia was established in 1919 and has existed as an independent central bank of Georgia since 1991.

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