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About Us

Who We Are

The SMEDA team is staffed by professionals with many years of practical experience in the private or public sector, as well as rich academic education, who have extensive experience working with small and medium-sized businesses and therefore understand the needs, problems and ways to solve these problems.

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Matex Academy - ციფრული აკადემია

Martex Academy - შენი გზამკვლევი ციფრულ სამყაროში!

რა არის Martex Academy?

Martex Academy „მცირე და საშუალო მეწარმეობის განვითარების ასოციაციის (SMEDA)“ შვილობილი ბრენდია, რომელიც UNDP-ის და ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით შეიქმნა და მიზნად ისახავს ციფრული უნარების ამაღლების ხელშეწყობას და ციფრული განათლების პოპულარიზაციას როგორც თბილისში, ასევე რეგიონებში.

ციფრული აკადემია მომხმარებელს ეტაპობრივად შესთავაზებს სხვადასხვა თემატიკის, დიზაინისა და ხანგრძლივობის სასწავლო კურსებს, როგორც ციფრული მარკეტინგის, ისე IT მიმართულებებით.


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Martex/მარტექსი - ციფრული მარკეტინგის სერვსიები

Social media management, email marketing, content marketing, copywriting, SEO, etc. These are terms that we already hear every day and are actually services that are increasingly replacing traditional marketing. The reason is simple - digital marketing is becoming more and more practical to reach our target audience more easily and effectively, while optimizing costs.

What is Martex?

Martex is a digital marketing agency created with the financial support of "Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association (SMEDA)" and the USAID Economic Management Program, which offers the most demanded digital marketing services to customers across the country.

The Martex team is made up of professionals who are always ready to tackle the task of any complexity and most importantly - are focused on the perfect execution of the pre-agreed plan with the customer.

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ციფრული უნარების განვითარების პროგრამა

"Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association (SMEDA)" is launching a project in Khulo, Keda and Lagodekhi, the aim of which is to help young people living in these municipalities to develop digital skills. In particular, within the framework of the project, 30 young people will be selected from each municipality, who will undergo a social media management and digital skills course, after which they will be able to be effectively employed both locally and remotely.

The trainings will be held within the framework of the brand Martex Academy created within the framework of the project, and the course will be led by mentors with rich practical experience. The training consists of 14 meetings, at which both theoretical and practical issues will be discussed, so that after the course the trainee has the opportunity to manage social networks independently.

After completing the trainings, SMEDA will take care that the graduates will practice in SMEDA's member and partner organizations, as well as potentially join the internship program in the same or other companies.

The project implementation period is June-September 2022. If you are interested, please fill out the application no later than June 24.
Trainings will be held online.

In case of questions, contact us: 555140773, 571828558

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Digital Transformation Promotion Project for Female Entrepreneurs

SMEDA has launched a project to promote digital transformation for small and medium-sized businesses in the Adjara highlands, owned or run by women.

In particular, in Khulo and Keda municipalities, women entrepreneurs have been selected to attend digital transformation workshops, work with mentors to develop a digital transformation strategy for their businesses, and select and implement specific digital services before the project is completed.

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EaP SME's Networking Platform

The project aims to improve the business environment and strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses in the Eastern Partnership region by developing SMEs and SMEs cluster networks and facilitating the integration of the EaP SME business global value chain, sharing information, knowledge and know-how. Through the V4 countries, an SME sustainable online networking platform has been established in the Eastern Partnership countries to provide advisory, educational and information services to online registered members during their networking activities.

For the successful implementation of the project and to achieve the best results, we involved business support organizations, clusters, SMEs from all EaP countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine) and three V4 countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland). Both EaP and V4 regions will have more opportunities to work together and share information, knowledge and expertise through an online platform, as well as effective collaboration, network development and SME cluster development, as well as cluster-to-cluster collaboration for economic growth in Europe.

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starta - Women Acceleration Program

The project is pilot and 20 female entrepreneurs will be selected. The acceleration program will start in January 2022 and last until the end of August 2022.
The project is financially supported by the USAID under the Economic Governance Program.

Acceleration program created with the idea that after completing the program the participant will have the knowledge and skills that will help him on the one hand to manage the existing business on the one hand and also on the future growth and development. In particular, the program includes 3 main components:
• Trainings
• Mentoring program
• Networking

To ensure maximum effectiveness, the trainings and mentoring program will be conducted in parallel, which means that the knowledge gained during the trainings will be able to be strengthened directly through practical work with qualified, richly experienced mentors. After completing the training and mentoring program, various activities will be planned and implemented for effective networking.
Starta trainers and mentors are people with rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Also, in the process of acceleration you will have to attend master classes of various successful professionals and hear directly from them the answers to the questions that interest you.

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A series of webinars on crisis management

SMEDA, in collaboration with and with the support of the German Sparkassenstiftung Georgia Foundation, implemented a project that included 20 webinars for employees of financial institutions.

The topic of the webinars was to analyze the crisis caused by the Covid Pandemic and to review the basic principles of crisis management based on both theoretical and practical examples.

The project trained about 200 middle and high-level employees of various financial institutions. The project involved organizations of various types and sizes, although special attention was paid to small and medium-sized financial institutions and at the same time to employees working in the regions.

A series of webinars were planned and implemented during August-December 2020.

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Raising awareness of consumer rights in financial institutions

In the framework of the project "Responsible Financing in the Caucasus", in cooperation with the German Sparkassenstiftung Georgia Foundation, the "Small and Medium Enterprise Development Association" (SMEDA) conducted a training cycle for employees of financial institutions. Trainings were conducted in Tbilisi and in the regions, including preference for training in the regions.

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Starta is a digital accelerator that aims to support and empower women entrepreneurs throughout Georgia. The concept of an acceleration program is to select start-up or existing entrepreneurs with certain criteria and prepare for rapid growth / scaling through a pre-defined acceleration program. The project is pilot and 20 female entrepreneurs will be selected. The acceleration program will start in January 2022 and last until the end of August 2022.

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SME Business

The Eastern Partnership

SME Trends

SME Guide

SME Clusters

Professional Services

Legal Acts

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Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business

PIHRB is an independent center aiming to advance BHR/UNGPs implementation in Poland and other countries by contributing through research and activities that influence the everyday practice of all market actors, policy and legislation development as well as educational activities, to improved respect for human rights and sustainable development principles in business context. PIHRB not only develops analysis and recommendations for national and int'l policy makers but cooperates with all stakeholders and supports collaborative networks.

Euro Credit

Euro Credit is one of the first companies to introduce car loans in the Georgian market, and from 2020 the company will issue fast business loans, providing only real estate. Also, for the first time since 2020, Euro Credit offers customers the opportunity to remotely add or repay a loan in the Georgian market.


The PMAG is a UNDP-supported packaging materials cluster aimed at the packaging industry and its individual members. To help increase competitiveness and expand cooperation at different stages of the value chain.

BEROC Economic Research Centre

BEROC is an economic think tank with the mission to promote the development of a market economy in Belarus through a high-quality public dialogue supported by high standard analytics and expertise. BEROC spreads economics knowledge through high quality research, as well as increases level of economics skills of the private sector partners and academic community through education.


JOLLY is a brand of Georgian handmade bags. Each bag is created with a special emotion and is sent with great love to the customers. In addition to offering quality products on behalf of the brand, their main goal is to charge people with happy emotions.

ICT Cluster

ICT is a platform in collaboration with technology industry stakeholders that supports the establishment of local and international connections to increase the competitiveness of Georgia's ICT business and promote the country's economic strength.

Business Consulting Institute (BCI)

BCI represents a consulting company with a multidisciplinary portfolio of consulting services and about 20 years of experience on the Moldovan consultancy market. BCI has an acknowledged reputation in developing economic strategies of urban and sub-urban areas, as well as national and cross-border regions, and benefitted from a wide range of donor programmes, funded by international organisations and institutions such as UNDP, World Bank, EBRD, USAID, Soros, IFAD, as well as by governmental institutions of Moldova.


Studio Edena-Traditional Crafting Workshop is a social enterprise and has been operating in Zemoracha, in particular in Oni since 2015. The enterprise employs about 20 women. The workshop produces Rachuli souvenirs with various technologies, which it sells all over the country, both online and in its own ethno-tourism store "Ethno-Oni". Shop and workshop is an important, attractive and interesting tourist location in the region. The studio has received four grants in 2015-2021 from various donor organizations in various competitions and is focused on continuous development and product quality growth.


SME Basis

90 ₾ / Month

  • Advocacy / lobbying
  • Monthly news updates
  • 1 consultation per month on legal issues


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SME Standard

180 ₾ / Month

  • Advocacy / lobbying
  • Monthly news updates
  • Opportunity to attend online or offline events organized by SMEDA


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SME Premium

350 ₾ / Month

  • Advocacy / lobbying
  • Monthly news updates
  • Opportunity to attend online or offline events organized by SMEDA


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Find Financing

International Visegrad Fund

The Fund is an international donor organization, established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries

Bank Of Georgia

Over the years, the company has held the status of a leading bank, both in terms of financial performance and public perception.


USAID funds more than 35 programs. USAID leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance.

TBC Bank

TBC Bank is a Georgian bank headquartered in Tbilisi, Georgia. It helps finance businesses and lend them needed financing.

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Contact Information

  • giga.phaikidze@sme.org.ge
  • Tbilisi, addresshh
  • 555091100, 555140773

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